Friday, October 16, 2009

Nelson Mask Parade

We made masks typical of Native Americans. On Friday night, 16 October, we marched down the street with our school to celebrate the opening of the Nelson Arts Festival. We sang part of Bob Marley's song, One love, One heart, let's get together and feel alright. Room 2 played percussion instruments to accompany us, along with teachers and parents who played other instruments. We saw lots of people we knew as we were marching along.


  1. Well done Renwick 2. Paul, Florence and I really enjoyed seeing Abel and his classmates having so much fun in the parade.

  2. AMAZING masks Renwick 2!! My class especially loved all the sparkles you had on them too. You looked fantastic and were very brave in the parade. Well done!

  3. Wow, you all looked great Renwick 2. We loved seeing you walking with your amazing masks!
