This term we are learning to write narratives. Here are the success criteria.
1. My story will have a beginning, middle and an end.
2. It will be written in the past tense.
3. It will include some adjectives.
4. I will use different sentence beginnings.
Here are some of our first attempts at writing narratives.
Once upon a time a monster lived in a tower. But one day his tower started to disappear. A stranger came and said, "If you do what I say, your castle will come back. Go and find the golden key." So he did just what the stranger told him and he lived happily ever ArloSeven hundred years ago there lived a good man. He made potions in a tall tower. He wanted to drill to the centre of the earth. He was going well. Then there was a large air wave. The drill fell with him in it. He landed on a deserted island. He found himself stuck. He saw a dinosaur. It chased him. Then they started to make friends. The man fed the dinosaur leaves. The leaf eating dinosaur got fish for the man. They lived happily ever Louis